Now a Days every body having fat body is been suffering from this tension that how can they lose their weight. Specially married mans and womens having a fat belly is much worried about their weight.So first of all we must have to know that why our weight is increasing day by day and why our belly is becoming fat?,answer of this question is that when we eat food which have greater salt and sugar or spleen and Lubricant foods then the dripping of our inner body start increasing due to which our belly will start becoming fat.Having a fat belly not only looks bad a person can be suffer from Heart Failure, Multiple sclerosis, High blood pressure, Liver problem, Blader problem and Over pressure on kidneys we should consult to our doctor in this cause if we feel that our fatness is increased to much. There are some general tips to lose your weight.
Instructions :
- Do not eat that type of food which have greater amount of sugar,salt.
- Do not use spleen and lubricant foods.
- Avoid eating to much it helps you to decrease the dripping of your belly.
- Green vegetables is preferred to eat while you are trying to lose you weight.
- Walk early in the morning for minimum 20 mints before taking breakfast.
- Do not use cold drinks because it has greater amount of calories.
- Every eating item has calories in it so be careful that amount of calories should not cross the limit of 1500 calories per day.
- Use water as much as you can.
- Exercise daily minimum 1 hour 5 days in a week.
- The use of Green tea is also very help full to lose your weight.
- Avoid the usage of fast foods.
- Don't be lazy all the time you should not rest for the whole day.
- Don't be sit anywhere for a long time keeping moving and walking after a while.
- Eat properly and sleep properly on time is the golden key to lose you weight.
- Gymnastic activities like playing badminton, swimming in the pool also helps you to lose you weight.
- Playing foot ball and cycling also helps to lose you weight.
There are many natural and herbal treatments to lose your weight as everybody want to become smart and want to look handsome so this instructions will help those to full fill there desires.
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